Category Archives for porn

How long before my dick is hard and I can have great sex?


Here’s how to determine how long it may take to recover your full male performance 


Any Idea how long the process takes ie from dead to normal Im going to quit viewing all porn and go back to reading non porn mags at night.

No wife anymore she passed away fom cancer over a year ago, but no lady friends either.

I need a lady in my life and sure can’t get one like this.


Any and all help will be appreciated.




I get a lot of emails every day and posts and Jim’s stands out for being super clear. “Help, I’m willing to do what it takes, but how long will this go on?”

In general 

The longer you’ve had the problem the longer it will take to fix it

However, if you’ve had a problem for 10 years, it won’t take 10 years to fix.

It may take weeks or months. It usually does not take years. Often it can be loads better in 3 or 4 weeks, and totally better in months.

I’ll tell you what the variables are so you can judge your own situation.

If you had this as a young man, it will take longer to get over it

The worst cases are for guys who discovered porn when they were boys. Some as young as 5 or 6.

It is a myth of course that boys and girls don’t have sexual feelings even at a young age. 

I can clearly remember playing outside when I was probably 5 or 6 and having sexual feelings.

girl lying down

And I began masturbating and using porn even before puberty. 

It took me longer to recover from erectile dysfunction and sexual problems because I got into this very early.

But the fact is that

If the first pussies you saw were on video, you really have to work hard to undo the damage

Young men today, say under about 30 years old, are really in a sucky situation. They grew up masturbating to video porn.

I didn’t have much video porn growing up, so the porn I used was less intense than video porn.

But if I had grown up with a lot of video porn, I’d have been in much worse trouble.

Video porn, especially today’s tube sites and cam sites, have thousands of women (see the earlier post 1000 Vaginas) and they desensitize the brain much worse and the damage takes much longer to fix.

The reason for this is that our early sexual experiences set up the first nerve pathways in our brain for enjoyment of sex.

Further sexual adventures deepen these early pathways.

If our early experience was with 1000 vaginas on a computer screen (or penises, or whips, or whatever it is, everything’s out there) then we will be missing the nerve pathways for healthy, sensitizing sex with a real woman and a real pussy. That just won’t excite our cock and get it hard for very long.

And this is not “all in your head” either — it’s real, physiological, an addiction that is actually far worse than addiction to heroin or freebase.

woman in bed yellow neglige small

So if you lack those early pathways for real women, you will have to work much harder and your recovery will take far longer.

But what about middle aged and older guys?

Yes it takes longer to recover if you have health problems

The most common problems guys have is symptoms of:

  • high blood pressure
  • overweight
  • acid relux
  • snoring
  • asthma
  • bowel and gut problems
  • depression and anxiety

 I see some heads nodding, guys saying, “yeah I have all those things!”

Well, the news here is, you CAN recover and have great sex even with those health problems. 

(I found that one thing super helpful is to get over these problems by naturally raising your testosterone levels. This system of raising your T naturally doesn’t involve drugs, expensive supplements or anything like that. I put it into a 4 hour course T Rewind that you can get and that will help you over these health issues.)

But if you have those health issues, the good news is, they don’t really stop recovery in most cases. I have found that

Guys who have major trauma, surgeries or procedures will take a bit longer to recover


Transplants, heart attack, cancer treatment…the docs do NOT do a good job at all of warning guys.

All major procedures on men should carry a warning: will make your erections soft or non-existent, may remove your sex drive, may hurt your ability to have sex for months or years.

swimming man and woman

Fortunately, the methods that I have outlined in my courses work for guys who have had major surgeries. These methods (which I’ll summarize at the end of this article) all work for getting rid of desensitization.


Desensitization is the real culprit: fix desensitization and your erectile problems get better

This was discovered quite a long time ago. Before the drug companies realized they could collect a tax every time a guy wanted to have sex. Viagra was the first, but then the “me too” drugs came in, basically doing the same thing. It amounts to a tax on sex…so naturally they convince men they “need” this.

The tax is around $10 and the pills kind of work, or really work, for about 60% of men. They do not work for the other 40%, and they also have a terrible side effect —

The ED pills often make sensitization worse

So they are a treatment that makes the problem worse and many guys find that after a few years, the pills no longer work at all.

Plus, the ED pills don’t bring back the pleasure. They don’t bring back the sensitivity. They don’t make you feel more than you do.

They often make you feel less.

So if you’ve been down this road of the pills, and they’ve stopped working, its’ time to

Get serious about fixing desensitization, the cause of male performance problems.

When you fix your desensitization, you will get good erections that last a long time. And you won’t grind away, thrusting in and out with little feeling.

No, you’ll feel more than you have for 20 years or 30 years, maybe more than ever before (I feel more today than I recall even when I was a teenager.)

brunette white shirt cleavage small

But you have to stop believing that there is a shortcut. The path is clear but it does take your commitment.

1. Stop masturbation for awhile

2. Stop porn for good.

3. See if you can’t give up the pills for a bit (the ED pills I mean.)

4. Stop fantasy as best you can

5. Go through the “flatline” withdrawal stage

6. Emerge on the other side with morning erections again and the ability to love and make love

And the essential part is, if you have a woman, to spend all the time possible cuddling, kissing, holding hands, naked together, as that will build up Oxytocin and speed up your recovery.

You can be like this man:


I’ve been following your advice for maybe a month now and have been practicing Karezza for maybe two months.

The member is working better then it ever has before.

My wife, who says she doesn’t enjoy Karezza, is up for intercourse ANYTIME and has taken to seducing me if we go more then a day without having intercourse.

This is very confusing but what the heck, it’s very wonderful too! I think the concept you teach regarding focusing on your self was a game changer for us.

My wife is very generous and really knows how to give pleasure.

Now I just relax into it and let her know what a delightful lover she is and how much I enjoy our sexual relationship and how happy I am with our new love life and her.

She’s 55 and I’m 66.

We’ve been together for 29 years.

I can’t speak for her but my half of our love life is better than anything I’ve ever experienced before. So good that I feel guilty about feeling so happy!

The sensitivity level of my penis is higher then it has ever been before and yes I get erections too just thinking about my wife.

I don’t do any porn and don’t masterbate at all any more.

I have also asked my wife to touch me VERY gently when she touches my penis, she has made penis touching into an art form, kind of like OM ing.

Well, I guess I’ve taken up enough of your time telling you how wonderful my new found love life is. I’m looking forward to more of your classes, the few that I have seen so far have been life changers.

–Senior from Minnesota


The big ingredient in this is always going to be building up Oxytocin. Oxytocin is the true hormone that builds love and erections and great sex. I’ll have more on that in another article.

And in the meantime, the publishing company just caved in. We’ve had so many folks who complained and said they couldn’t watch the webinar due to schedules and so forth, and they’ve opened it up just for perhaps today. Go here to watch the “From Dead Down There To Raging Sexual Confidence” webinar while we take advantage of this short reprieve.

Meanwhile, write out your situation or question and let’s all learn from each other.


matt cook signature white background





1000 Vaginas

Ever watch a dog eat its dinner?

A dog gobbles up his food quick as can be. One minute the dish is down, the next moment it’s all scarfed up.

Dogs eat this way because they evolved to compete with other dogs. They evolved to get as much food as quickly as possible before the next dog got it and left nothing.

Today, our family pet dog doesn’t need to eat fast. He can enjoy his meal slowly. He can savor it.

But dogs still have their instinctual programming to eat as quickly as they can.

It’s sad in a way. I wish ol’ Bowser would just taste his food. But his programming doesn’t allow him to take his time.

What if you and I are just as conditioned? And what if we are conditioned sexually by nature to have poor sex, quick sex, and to become unhappy with our partners and endlessly dissatisfied?

What if…

We evolved to have sex a certain way…which today doesn’t make us happy or satisfied

So that brings me to today’s topic which is quite an interesting one.

And I have to thank Len for coming up with the “1000 vaginas syndrome” for the problem of porn use and the fact that excessive novelty today can desensitize us.

Our cellphones, our computers, can cause us to have problems getting hard and staying hard.

Even this photo can cause a little more desensitization. I’d advise you to defocus your eyes or look past it. Not let yourself get too “into it”…if you are recovering from erectile issues…

a photo of a pretty girl can cause erectile dysfunction

Here’s the full story.

Len realized after reading a recent article here that porn was causing ED and other problems and he has quit porn and masturbation for a bit.

Well, hopefully porn quitting is forever. Masturbation is fine in limited doses as long as there isn’t porn in there.

I thought I’d talk about a part of this that is key to recovery, and that is, avoiding triggers like Facebook and Youtube and Craigslist and dating sites.

It’s the quest for new bodies, new positions, new women, new situations that is so desensitizing

A lot of guys think it’s the porn itself, but that is only part of what is so crippling for guys’ brains and penises.

The other part of it is novelty. New this, new that. New girls.

And the reason is that we are designed in our “reptile brain” to become more excited and turned on by a new woman.

Here’s the scenario. Thor Caveboy spends his days and nights with Thorette, the Cavegirl.

They sleep together, eat together, hold each other and then it’s penis-in-vagina time for a quick bit of horizontal action. Thor ejaculates into Thorette and rolls over onto a matt of grass in the floor of the cave and goes to sleep. 

One day, Thor is scouting out a new area to hunt some delicious looking rabbits, when he hears an intriguing sound. He sees this very young, fertile female in a clearing. He gets hard seeing her, and she sees him and figures, hey why not, try out a little Thor action.

two cavegirls

(Women are designed to take these opportunities also…they can get pregnant by a big virile man like Thor, and have their life partner bring up the baby without knowing it isn’t his…well, this presents an advantage to a girl genetically because she might create a genetically superior baby girl or boy with Thor’s genes…)

So now, Thor and this new girl go at it. Thor zips up his cavepants and continues on his way, and the girl continues on her way.

This is why men are designed to get hard and be able to come so fast.

Remember the dog eating his dinner?

And it’s also why men are designed to find novel women appealing. So men can take advantage of these opportunities at the drop of a hat.

A quick sidenote about how women are designed…

Women on the other hand are designed to get wet and get turned on over a period of time, in order to bond better with their men.

BUT, research shows, interestingly enough, that women get wet involuntarily even when they see pix or videos of sex, any sex, such as that between animals, or sex between adults that aren’t consenting. Weird but true.

Women do this as involuntarily as anything else, they are not turned on consciously but their bodies lubricate their vaginas to protect them in event they are made to have sex.

We are all designed a certain way. By being conscious of that design, we can have a much happier life than if we just follow our natural instincts. That is one of the primary themes that we talk about here.

In fact, a guy who is having “normal type” sex with a girl for a long time will often grow bored with his girl. A new girl, well that’s entirely different.

The new girl can stimulate the guy in a new way.

It works this way because

Nature wants you to get girls pregnant, not to be happy

We’re designed to see an opportunity and take it, right then and there. And that is why we are designed to get stimulated when a novel female is around.

But today’s Internet produces 1000 vaginas, or 1000 naked girls, in a parade of novelty. It’s like a constant parade of cake and candy and cookies to a diabetic. Or syringe after syringe of concentrated heroin to the addict. You get the picture.

very pretty girls - with these girls you don't want to experience erectile dysfunction do you? 

And that’s how it is with porn. 1000 vaginas describes it perfectly, but it doesn’t have to be vaginas.

Let me be very clear.

Even surfing fully clothed pix of women on “legit” dating sites, or Craigslist personals, can cause ED problems

That’s because even surfing fully clothed pix of women on a “legit” dating site can be very desensitizing. After you’ve recovered from your erection problems, you’ll notice that surfing novel females online hits you pretty hard.

It makes your dick softer.

It makes you feel less satisfied about your partner.

It makes you feel less satisfied with your life.

Surfing novel females, even fully clothed, is just as bad as porn in many ways.

surfing porn

The “one girl after the other” thing gets our heart beating faster, our blood pressure up, our penis slightly harder, and worse is it desensitizes our brains just a little more with each girl’s picture.

So if you are having problems getting an erection, or maintaining one, or problems with ejaculation, or not being very hard, or going soft when you don’t want to…you are very smart if you eliminate all this:

  • No dating site pix
  • No surfing Youtube
  • No Facebook except for posting a quick message now and then
  • No looking at pix your male friends forward to you of nude women
  • No Craigslist personals

This will help your recovery quicker than anything else.

And if you haven’t done so, you can today register for this eye opening webinar “From Dead Down There to Raging Confidence.) Click here to attend the webinar

And please leave your experiences here — put a comment or question below.


matt cook signature white background


Wow, my dick problems are getting better – the three stages of recovery

What does it look like to recover and reverse your desensitization.

I thought I’d show you what this looks like here today. And make some silly puns at the same time.

Ready? So, let’s focus first on

Stage 1 – realize that desensitization is the cause of the problem

This is where most guys are today. They know they are having issues. Their penis isn’t getting as hard as it did before. 

Or they have trouble coming. It’s grind away time with not much feeling and not able to close the deal. 

Or they come too fast and it’s over so quick. How embarrassing to shoot your wad so fast and the dick goes limp and she hasn’t had much time yet to even warm up.

pretty asian girl

Or, perhaps the dick isn’t getting hard at all.

Or it’s only hard for masturbation and not for intercourse.

Or maybe it takes so much work on her part to get the dick hard that it’s like climbing Mount Everest for something that should be fun and easy, right?

No wonder guys have so many problems today and think they are going downhill and need chemicals to pep them up. It’s because

Big pharma has given us a cock and bull story.

(Aahaha, pun intended).

One big drug company accidentally discovered Viagra and how quickly they realized, hey we can make ten bucks every time a guy wants to stick it in his girl. At an average of almost twice a week that’ like seventy bucks a month.

(All the other big drug companies soon came up with similar drugs, what are called in the drug industry “me too” drugs because those other drugs compete with Viagra as in “me too, I keep men hard too, take me instead of Viagra” but these all work the same exact way Viagra works, although some may cause fewer or more side effects or last longer.)

(By the way, guys who make it through my method end up having sex every day, several times a day, or every other day…and for 30 or 60 minutes, not the average of under 3 minutes.)

That Viagra discovery and profit calculation was the beginning of the end for guys who aren’t being told the truth. In working with guys I find that

ED pills make desensitization worse

The pills may not cause desensitization to get worse, but they cause a man to engage in the same type of sex and this perhaps is the reason that with the pills, guys often tend to get worse. The pills work for awhile, but they don’t increase the pleasure or sensation, and ultimately erection problems are worse. And stuff like “I can’t come easily” gets worse…

And, after all, the docs themselves are well meaning. I don’t blame the docs for this. They go through medical school without knowing dick about this problem or its cause (pun intended again) because the drug companies call the shots in terms of research and education.

And drug companies don’t want doctors to know the truth either.

pretty asian girl non porn

So the docs often have the problem themselves. Often. I can’t tell you how many medical guys I’ve spoken to and helped change their life. They are as surprised as anyone to learn about desensitization.

And it’s all because the real cause is being kept from guys. It’s a big conspiracy in my opinion.

So now a guy knows the problem, so the next step is to move to stage 2 and 

Stop porn viewing, fantasy and masturbation (for awhile)

Porn viewing is what causes a lot of dick problems. If you view porn even once a week, or even once a month, and you are not happy with your erections, then you must cut out the porn.

And it isn’t just porn. It’s also just seeing a parade of novel women, surfing personal ads or dating sites. Getting triggers from ads on TV or billboards or emails or Facebook.

It’s challenging stuff. When someone hasn’t recovered and they say, “Matt, I quit porn etc.” I ask them about fantasy and usually this is the culprit.

Fantasy is to the reptile brain the same as something real. But it’s much more intense than something real.

I mean, in the real world I stick my penis in her vagina and we dwell together and it ain’t like the porn scenes.

romantic couple

Plus, I have the same woman that I stick my penis in, not different ones. My brain as a man is very sensitive to seeing a parade of hot fake or unavailable women and it loses sensitivity to my real woman when it sees to many of those fake hotties.

It’s something I never understood before. Because my brain was so desensitized for like the past zillion years that I never noticed it.

Now I notice this effect a lot. I was explaining this to a friend yesterday. I don’t like looking at sexy photos of women because I am so aware of how it affects my perceptions and pleasures with my real woman.

I love looking at a pretty girl, of course. And I do all the time. But I avoid looking at photos, two dimensional images, anything that triggers a sexual thought and that isn’t real.

It just messes up my perceptions and my feelings. And it is doing the same to you but you may not be aware of it yet.

So now fortunately stage 3 happens…

Become much more attractive to women…and begin having a much better time with sex

This is when you get the fact that partner sex and masturbation are so different.

Partner sex becomes really fantastic again. And masturbation has lost its attraction.

Quite frankly, it can get to a point where you don’t masturbate at all.

Not because you are trying not to, but because it is so satisfying having this time with your penis in her vagina and soaking her up that it’s just not even interesting anymore to masturbate.

And the women all over become so much more attracted to you and start giving you signals everywhere.

flirty girl and guy


I’m nothing special in the looks department. And even I can’t go out without some woman giving me a signal, perhaps touching my shoulder at the restaurant like happened the other day. Or giving me a frank stare and tossing her hair.

It’s not like I’m anything incredible looking either. It’s just the power of normal male sexual energy.

Because today

Women aren’t used to basking in a man’s built up (normal) sexual energy

They are used to guys who spill their seed at every opportunity and guys who can’t get it up, and guys who are so porn-ified.

Of course there are plenty of virile men but the percentage today is way down.

So you stand out at this point (pun intended, LOL.) You really do. (Note to young guys: get with it, you have an edge in the looks department but older guys who recover are going to be eating your lunch.)

cute girl and guy meeting up

It’s amazing how much confidence you show at this point, even if you are normally somewhat inhibited, shy or reserved.

It doesn’t matter if shy, reserved or even timid is your outward personality.

Inside, your reptile brain is back into balance and it’s a naturally confident brain, and one that just wants to love and make love.

Your reptile brain is now completely confident and it puts out pheromones and confidence signals that women pick up on without your having to do anything, think anything or be anything but who you are. 

It’s at this point that I find 

Men are surprised to discover how confident they become

It’s striking, and this confidence isn’t about just being confident with women.

Here’s a huge secret of attraction and it doesn’t matter if it’s re-attracting your wife to wake her up sexually or landing a gorgeous girlfriend who really digs on you.

The secret is that women are attracted to men who are confident with other men.

That’s right. If you are confident in your dealings with other men, women will be all over you.

And what makes you confident with men and with women is that same male sexual energy.

confident man over woman sexual confidence shows


It surges in you and makes you feel like a total winner. And men get out of your way. They defer to you. They respect you even if you don’t say a word. You don’t have to say a word, they get these signals automatically.

This is what makes you more alpha if you want to call it that. And that attracts women and makes you even more alpha, in a virtuous circle.

There is a lot more to all this. But what you may want to do is head over to my From Dead Down There to Raging Sexual Confidence webinar which I’m able to give, thanks to my publisher allowing me to. Click to see what it’s all about.

And please leave a comment, question or concern here. Thank you


matt cook signature white background




Stop trying to get an erection – and get an erection

What does it look like to recover and reverse your desensitization.

I thought I’d show you what this looks like here today. And make some silly puns at the same time.

Ready? So, let’s focus first on

Stage 1 – realize that desensitization is the cause of the problem

This is where most guys are today. They know they are having issues. Their penis isn’t getting as hard as it did before. 

Or they have trouble coming. It’s grind away time with not much feeling and not able to close the deal. 

Or they come too fast and it’s over so quick. How embarrassing to shoot your wad so fast and the dick goes limp and she hasn’t had much time yet to even warm up.

pretty asian girl

Or, perhaps the dick isn’t getting hard at all.

Or it’s only hard for masturbation and not for intercourse.

Or maybe it takes so much work on her part to get the dick hard that it’s like climbing Mount Everest for something that should be fun and easy, right?

No wonder guys have so many problems today and think they are going downhill and need chemicals to pep them up. It’s because

Big pharma has given us a cock and bull story.

(Aahaha, pun intended).

One big drug company accidentally discovered Viagra and how quickly they realized, hey we can make ten bucks every time a guy wants to stick it in his girl. At an average of almost twice a week that’ like seventy bucks a month.

(All the other big drug companies soon came up with similar drugs, what are called in the drug industry “me too” drugs because those other drugs compete with Viagra as in “me too, I keep men hard too, take me instead of Viagra” but these all work the same exact way Viagra works, although some may cause fewer or more side effects or last longer.)

(By the way, guys who make it through my method end up having sex every day, several times a day, or every other day…and for 30 or 60 minutes, not the average of under 3 minutes.)

That Viagra discovery and profit calculation was the beginning of the end for guys who aren’t being told the truth. In working with guys I find that

ED pills make desensitization worse

The pills may not cause desensitization to get worse, but they cause a man to engage in the same type of sex and this perhaps is the reason that with the pills, guys often tend to get worse. The pills work for awhile, but they don’t increase the pleasure or sensation, and ultimately erection problems are worse. And stuff like “I can’t come easily” gets worse…

And, after all, the docs themselves are well meaning. I don’t blame the docs for this. They go through medical school without knowing dick about this problem or its cause (pun intended again) because the drug companies call the shots in terms of research and education.

And drug companies don’t want doctors to know the truth either.

pretty asian girl non porn

So the docs often have the problem themselves. Often. I can’t tell you how many medical guys I’ve spoken to and helped change their life. They are as surprised as anyone to learn about desensitization.

And it’s all because the real cause is being kept from guys. It’s a big conspiracy in my opinion.

So now a guy knows the problem, so the next step is to move to stage 2 and 

Stop porn viewing, fantasy and masturbation (for awhile)

Porn viewing is what causes a lot of dick problems. If you view porn even once a week, or even once a month, and you are not happy with your erections, then you must cut out the porn.

And it isn’t just porn. It’s also just seeing a parade of novel women, surfing personal ads or dating sites. Getting triggers from ads on TV or billboards or emails or Facebook.

It’s challenging stuff. When someone hasn’t recovered and they say, “Matt, I quit porn etc.” I ask them about fantasy and usually this is the culprit.

Fantasy is to the reptile brain the same as something real. But it’s much more intense than something real.

I mean, in the real world I stick my penis in her vagina and we dwell together and it ain’t like the porn scenes.

romantic couple

Plus, I have the same woman that I stick my penis in, not different ones. My brain as a man is very sensitive to seeing a parade of hot fake or unavailable women and it loses sensitivity to my real woman when it sees to many of those fake hotties.

It’s something I never understood before. Because my brain was so desensitized for like the past zillion years that I never noticed it.

Now I notice this effect a lot. I was explaining this to a friend yesterday. I don’t like looking at sexy photos of women because I am so aware of how it affects my perceptions and pleasures with my real woman.

I love looking at a pretty girl, of course. And I do all the time. But I avoid looking at photos, two dimensional images, anything that triggers a sexual thought and that isn’t real.

It just messes up my perceptions and my feelings. And it is doing the same to you but you may not be aware of it yet.

So now fortunately stage 3 happens…

Become much more attractive to women…and begin having a much better time with sex

This is when you get the fact that partner sex and masturbation are so different.

Partner sex becomes really fantastic again. And masturbation has lost its attraction.

Quite frankly, it can get to a point where you don’t masturbate at all.

Not because you are trying not to, but because it is so satisfying having this time with your penis in her vagina and soaking her up that it’s just not even interesting anymore to masturbate.

And the women all over become so much more attracted to you and start giving you signals everywhere.

flirty girl and guy


I’m nothing special in the looks department. And even I can’t go out without some woman giving me a signal, perhaps touching my shoulder at the restaurant like happened the other day. Or giving me a frank stare and tossing her hair.

It’s not like I’m anything incredible looking either. It’s just the power of normal male sexual energy.

Because today

Women aren’t used to basking in a man’s built up (normal) sexual energy

They are used to guys who spill their seed at every opportunity and guys who can’t get it up, and guys who are so porn-ified.

Of course there are plenty of virile men but the percentage today is way down.

So you stand out at this point (pun intended, LOL.) You really do. (Note to young guys: get with it, you have an edge in the looks department but older guys who recover are going to be eating your lunch.)

cute girl and guy meeting up

It’s amazing how much confidence you show at this point, even if you are normally somewhat inhibited, shy or reserved.

It doesn’t matter if shy, reserved or even timid is your outward personality.

Inside, your reptile brain is back into balance and it’s a naturally confident brain, and one that just wants to love and make love.

Your reptile brain is now completely confident and it puts out pheromones and confidence signals that women pick up on without your having to do anything, think anything or be anything but who you are. 

It’s at this point that I find 

Men are surprised to discover how confident they become

It’s striking, and this confidence isn’t about just being confident with women.

Here’s a huge secret of attraction and it doesn’t matter if it’s re-attracting your wife to wake her up sexually or landing a gorgeous girlfriend who really digs on you.

The secret is that women are attracted to men who are confident with other men.

That’s right. If you are confident in your dealings with other men, women will be all over you.

And what makes you confident with men and with women is that same male sexual energy.

confident man over woman sexual confidence shows


It surges in you and makes you feel like a total winner. And men get out of your way. They defer to you. They respect you even if you don’t say a word. You don’t have to say a word, they get these signals automatically.

This is what makes you more alpha if you want to call it that. And that attracts women and makes you even more alpha, in a virtuous circle.

There is a lot more to all this. But what you may want to do is head over to my From Dead Down There to Raging Sexual Confidence webinar which I’m able to give, thanks to my publisher allowing me to. Click to see what it’s all about.

And please leave a comment, question or concern here. Thank you


matt cook signature white background




Fix erectile dysfunction: Does Porn Cause ED?

This article shows you how porn is most likely causing your problems getting hard and staying hard. Read it even if you doubt this is your problem. It can be a life changer even if you are skeptical.

So, every day, I get a ton of emails about my work. And it’s what makes this work so much fun and so rewarding.

We are helping so many guys get their sex life back.

And since sex is more important than almost anything else in life, we’re doing a lot of good with guys and couples and making the world a lot better a place. Before I continue let me introduce a picture that is kind of fun…just to keep things lively. If you are recovering from porn use, don’t look.

porn and erectile dysfunction - don't look at this pretty girl ready for sex if you are recovering from porn induced ED

If you want to email me simply write to me at matt at, substituting @ for the at (I don’t write it out so I don’t get as much spam from robots that harvest email addresses, so you know what to do since you are a real human not a robot…) So now on to how stopping porn use can fix your erection problems…

“Matt how can I avoid going soft during sex?”

Many of these emails I get every day are like this one. “Jim” is having problems staying hard. He pleasures his girlfriend with her vibrator but of course wants real sex. And how long will she want to have a man who can’t get hard and really give it to her good?

So I asked “Jim” if he uses porn and he answered with this (I always protect the confidentiality and privacy of every guy. We never share info that is personally attached about any guy no matter what. Even wild horses and hot coals won’t get us to release personal info about you, ever ever ever.)


porn, yes sometimes but take it with a grain of salt

only look at it to try and get ready for my girl whom i love dearly

and her me/ but a bit embarssaring when it wont stay hard

i get her off with a vibe but you know what im missing


So by now, you need to know this simple equation:

So now you need to know this simple equation: porn = ED

Porn causes erectile dysfunction.

Not for every guy and not immediately.

But porn use causes problems. It does this by causing desensitization.

Desensitization progresses like this:

The six stages of erectile dysfunction

Stage #1: Feel a little less when you masturbate or have partner sex. Just less feeling altogether, less pleasurable orgasms.

Stage #2: Feel less love and affection for your girl. See her more critically. See her zits. A bit of her belly fat. See her behavior and feel critical inside. Not a loving feeling.

Stage #3: Morning wood stops. The progression is, you wake up more and more often without an erection. Eventually never have an erection when you wake up.

Stage #4: Occasionally difficult to have an erection with partner sex. Sometimes you go soft when you’re inside. Masturbation still works okay.

porn is poison for the male brain because porn causes erectile dysfunction

Stage #5: No erections maintained. And even masturbation becomes difficult.

Stage #6: No erections maintained. And masturbation with a soft noodle only.

The cause of most of this for most guys most of the time is desensitization

There are many causes of desensitization. And these causes include poor masturbation habits and medical issues.

But of all of them, if you view porn even sometimes,

The porn is what is causing your erectile dysfunction

And here’s an important point.

It doesn’t matter if you just WATCH porn. You don’t need to masturbate to porn in order for it to cause ED.

And you don’t need to have an orgasm watching porn for porn to cause ED.

Even watching it causes ED by increasing desensitization.

Courtesy Of

Courtesy Of

Watching porn, whether you masturbate to orgasm, masturbate just a little, or “edge”, causes ED.

And even if you watch without any masturbation whatever, you still will cause ED using porn this way.

Why does porn cause so much desensitization even without masturbation?

It has to do with how the brain works. The male brain specifically.

And not just the male brain, but the part of the brain that is almost reptilian. Very basic to us and all the animals.

Our male brains get a reward from stuff related to reproduction. That’s how we’re designed. It’s part of our basic hardware.

Here are the designs built into our brain that porn affects.

Here is exactly why porn causes ED

Design #1 in our brains is about novelty. New females reward our reptilian brains. We love new women, new positions, new female bodies. We are designed to get bored with the same old same old.

Porn shows us all these women who are NEW to us. That affects our brain’s desire for NEW females. And makes the “old” females much less interesting. We become less sensitive to our woman from this.

This is why porn hurts us even if we just watch it, without masturbating to it. Porn affects our reptilian brains by exposing our brains to all these novel women. That desensitizes our brains.

Design #2 in our brains is about porn star expectations. Our brains are designed to desire and crave women who are very young, and very sexy, and who will do things that we desire.

These expectations collide with the real world. We can’t help it, we look at our woman and compare her to what we see the porn stars do. And we feel bad about our woman, our situation and “normal” real world sex.

disappointed woman in bed with man in towel

Design #3 is about escalation. Our brains are designed to get off with sex. Normal real world sex gets us off in a certain way. Porn gets us off in a different way. And frequently, this leads to the same old porn not working so well anymore.

Warning: today’s porn is like today’s junk food — it affects the brain like sugar affects belly fat

Today’s porn is very much like concentrated sugary candy compared to a piece of natural fruit. Technology creates sugary candies and cakes and this triggers cravings for sugar and causes us to eat poorly.

With today’s porn, we see high speed videos of women and men doing different things and it’s like sugary junk food to our brain. We begin not getting off on it anymore and then we seek out more extreme forms of porn.

This is

Why gay sex porn is so popular today with straight guys

Gay sex porn is popular with straight men because they have found that normal straight porn no longer works. Their brains are used to the straight porn and no longer respond the same way.

So a man escalates to other more extreme porn such as gay sex porn. 

By the way, gay men who are into porn — guess what? They escalate to straight porn for the same reasons. Straight porn is “extreme” for gay men. But remember

Porn hurts men even if it doesn’t lead to escalation

Not every porn user will escalate to gay porn. Some escalate to bondage porn. Some to group sex porn. Or teenage porn. 

And some don’t escalate at all.

Escalation is common but not universal. But even for men who don’t escalate to more extreme forms of porn, the porn they do watch causes desensitization all the same.

So those are the three “design issues” in our brains that cause porn to harm us and interfere with our having a great sex life.

If a guy writes to me, I ask if he uses porn and many guys with ED problems will say “yes but”. 

Yes but I only use it once a week. Yes but I don’t masturbate to it. Yes but I use it only occasionally.

If you use porn, you should stop.

And here’s a way to recover your sensitivity and become the sexual man you were at 20 years old

 I’m doing a workshop that will help you recover your function and become a total man with raging sexual confidence and super sensitivity. There are a few spots left as of this writing so go here to find out more.

Please feel free to comment or ask a question.


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